Dear <name>
I wish to lodge my objection to the proposed Train Stabling Facility on the current Delta Group site on Kingston Road, Heatherton, and request that a more suitable site be adopted for this facility.
As a local resident of x years, there have been decades of sand mining and landfill on the promise that this site would be returned to our community in the form of open space/parkland/regional outdoor recreation facilities and walk trails.
Kingston Councillors have over the years sought to reinforce their objectives of this open space through planning policy and zoning measures to ensure these outcomes are realised and this has been further assisted with the Parks Victoria Public Acquisition Overlay along with Ministerial Panels/Planning Ministers refusing any proposed land uses, on the grounds that they would indefinitely prevent the parkland and outdoor facilities being realised.
There are other sites in the region that would be far more suitable thus enabling the Suburban Rail Loop Project to successfully proceed.
The current proposed site in Heatherton is too close to residential housing, including those that are on the boundary, and will cause severe amenity impacts on us, the local residents.
Please consider the impact this proposal will have on not only this community but the surrounding communities that currently access this area.
This proposal will sever the link between Karkarook Park and Braeside Parks – the Chain of Parks in the Green Wedge – that was the vision originally planned for in the 1970s and then known as the ‘Green Belt’ and subsequently referred to as the ‘Green Wedges – the Lungs of Melbourne’.
This proposal will create unacceptable noise and light pollution and, as an industrial site, it is situated too close to our homes.
As I am sure you are aware, this proposal would create an environmental impact that could never recover.
I chose to live in this street knowing that large parts of the local area, (including exactly where the government want to put this facility) would ultimately be transformed into parks and recreation.
It is a stunningly beautiful area with trees and vibrant bird life that provide green space for all of Melbourne and locally for the Bayside areas of Sandringham, Highett, Brighton, Beaumaris, Cheltenham, Moorabbin and the eastern areas of Clarinda, Clayton and Springvale, to name a few.
I request that you re-locate the proposal for this rail yard to another site in the region that is appropriate and suited for the purpose.
I anxiously await your reply.
Yours sincerely,
<Your Name>
<Your Address>
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